A New Beginning

Heya, there! Oh wait, let me not start with this boring and cliché introduction—let me just take you right in the middle of some action. Narrator info dumps suck, right?

He was young and eighteen years into life—that's how deep into the rabbit hole he had fallen. That Thursday afternoon, inside his bearably warm room, he sat down with his laptop. His palms lay open, facing the keyboard and his dark, honey-brown eyes fixated on his laptop screen, where lay a blank page, waiting to be blotted in some sense with digital ink. He was sitting motionlessly, waiting for his autonomic nervous system to send his hands some divine impulses so that he could type out his first and introductory blog post. His long, dark brown and gravity-defying hairs were clumsily wrapping to the right side of his head. His head? It was more like a gas giant, with the hair resembling the unstopping and furious cyclonic storm systems, like the ones on the planet Jupiter.  A similar storm composed of thoughts, ideas and random memories was gaining more momentum inside his head, as he struggled to pull something useful out of it.

What a drag, man!

And I hope that by now it is fairly obvious, that he succeeded in pulling something out of the storm, something he could organize and express clearly. That's how all his writing ventures began. Oh! He? I know, talking about yourself in the third person sounds interesting and not so much like you're putting yourself up on a pedestal, but I find it amusing. Initially, when I was new to article writing, I used to think that someone else would write the author's biography on any particular article, maybe the website and I never thought much about it. But, after I began writing articles myself and had to fill my own author biographies, a realization hit me like a truck. I had been wrong all my life.

The authors themselves wrote their author biographies on every article in the third person and I found it very funny—to talk about yourself in the third person. So, when I had to, I wrote all of mine in the first person, only to read them later and feel weird about myself. I sounded so much like a self-centred and self-absorbed person—something I wouldn't like to associate myself with. Well, I still haven't gone back and changed my author biographies, and I surely do still find it funny but I've insanely deviated from this post's original intention—it was supposed to be my intro-heckin-ductory post!

The beginning wasn't as badass as I'd wanted it to be, more because I began blabbering about the other things which didn't matter much, at least not in this post. So, what are my plans for this blog? Honestly, I have nothing in my head about this, it's just going to be as random as this introductory post has been so far—me talking about random things, or giving my perspective on issues or things. When I have to write something, I never just sit in front of my laptop and try to brainstorm ideas, it's more like I come and sit down in front of my laptop, with my hands hovering over the keyboard. Initially, I have to put some efforts to get some words out, but soon my hands take over. They know what I should type next. They know what the post is going to be about before I do. After they're done expressing themselves, all I do is proofread and hit the publish button.

That's what's going to happen in this blog too, it's not really mine but my hands own this blog and all the content here will be their blessing. Sometimes, I feel really inspired to write about a certain experience or certain situation, which I will, the other times, I'll just let my hands take over and unleash the hidden creative genius in them. I must say, my two hands work well together, they just collectively know what needs to be done, and that is communicated well to the individual fingers who press the right keys, or it would have come out something liek fbsefu ndno ;)

So, while I'm completely not sure what this blog's future or content will be, I'm sure it will consist of a variety of things, which of course I don't know as of now, but make sure you subscribe to me via the button above to receive notifications (email notifications) if I have rolled in a post here. Thank you for taking some time to go through this. See ya next post, whenever it comes out. (I'm hoping to see one soon.)


  1. Very Nice article

  2. I love the way you penned it down. Not boring to read. Utter honesty. Very refreshing. Very New.. ❤️❤️


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