Habit Formation: Day 1
I really made it today! It all began at six-thirty when my usual alarm went off. Instead of turning it back off and pulling my blanket up to my face, today, I first jumped out of my bed and then turned off the alarm. I know, those moments were critical. The bed was still attracting me strongly, though not as strong as it usually would and my blanket and pillow were throwing out an attention tantrum. I quickly hurried myself out and to the bathroom—I had to answer nature's call. Everything went on as planned. I had my milk, I even worked out after a lot of days—chest day, baby! I had a good breakfast consisting of fruits and toast and now I'm feeling quite motivated to continue my day.
It is 10:16 am as I'm typing this today and usually, around this time I would be struggling to get out of my bed—just not today or for the next twenty-nine days. I have gone through all my morning chores and I am completely ready to begin with other things. The last night as I was wrapping up my day, I had this thought playing on a loop that I had to wake up early and compose this log today. I had to, there was no other option. Even while I closed my eyes and gradually lost my consciousness, or better said crossed worlds, I was thinking about waking up today. I wasn't as such worried or thinking too much—I was just excited. Yes! Waking up today was exciting and not like a struggle. I know, it might sound strange but needs just a little shift in perspective. In my case, I was excited to begin this log series to take you with me on this epic journey, (over dramatization, ugh.) of forming this legendary but one of a kind and life-changing habit, which is dreaded by many: Waking Up Early, and to do this, I had to wake up early.
Imagine, if I wouldn't have, then it would have been one of those awful 'blogger' fails. Who knows, someone might have even made this into a meme. Really not the most wonderful series starter for me—definitely. Also, I wanted to share, and rather show how habits are formed and how you too can get started. Just remember—one habit at a time. Don't try to establish too many habits at a time, you'll be changing yourself drastically, which though sounds good isn't as practical as aiming to change just one habit. The one habit which you choose to change, however, can cause you to form other beneficial habits. Just as if I establish a habit of waking up early, I will also be able to establish habits of working out and having a good breakfast—which are some really good habits health wise.
The Day 1 Transformation
I still won't say that I am feeling all amazing. I still have a strongly imposed habit of waking up late which will always be saved in my brain and this being the first day; I am feeling a little drowsy. I am feeling quite motivated and fluent as my fingers are traversing the keyboard, but if I were to sit comfortably, in a warm and cosy place, in no time would I be catching a lot of Z's. But I'll tell you that this little drowsiness is better than skipping breakfast and workout and even having to screw up the day or feeling like a zombie after waking up. I am feeling driven in whatever I am doing, so that's at least better. If you did start with me and did wake up on time today, treat yourself a cookie and let me know how you feel. I'll definitely ask you to be patient and just wait and watch. Let some more days fly though, you'll gradually enjoy this new and quite significant change and follow it through for a month and you'll surely thank me later.Additional note
I won't be blogging about this every day, but every alternate day for about fifteen days after which I'll directly post on the thirty-first day. The other days, I'll put the usual posts. Also, I have just created an Instagram account, wherein I will post blog updates plus other things. So if you're on there, give me a follow—the Instagram button below will take you to my profile, and if you haven't already, then subscribe to this blog to receive a nice email whenever I'll post something. No new post, then no new email.')Other Posts in This Series
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