The Cycle of Cosmic Existence

An ever stretching and wonderous expanse of inherently nothing littered and splattered with tiny specs of white, gold and red. All of what's real and all of what can't be, all of it seemingly makes sense when the tiny eyes pop open—when the neighbouring neurons rev themselves up and light up the Christmas tree of thoughts. The gigantic quantum soup of uncertainties and co-existing possibilities, counting up to an infinite, reduces to the singularity as the ever-obscure wave function collapses. The unfathomable scramble of letters gradually begins to spell the universe and it gains depth and definition as the neural mechanism grasps more and more of itself. As a little spark of thought ignites a fire in the forest of greed, jealousy and materialistic pleasures of the world, the forest ablazes, paving way for a road to knowledge and wisdom as the insignificant matter laced with consciousness attempts to unravel itself. As the candy jar of the universe is opened, various cos...