The Cycle of Cosmic Existence
An ever stretching and wonderous expanse of inherently nothing littered and splattered with tiny specs of white, gold and red. All of what's real and all of what can't be, all of it seemingly makes sense when the tiny eyes pop open—when the neighbouring neurons rev themselves up and light up the Christmas tree of thoughts. The gigantic quantum soup of uncertainties and co-existing possibilities, counting up to an infinite, reduces to the singularity as the ever-obscure wave function collapses.
The unfathomable scramble of letters gradually begins to spell the universe and it gains depth and definition as the neural mechanism grasps more and more of itself. As a little spark of thought ignites a fire in the forest of greed, jealousy and materialistic pleasures of the world, the forest ablazes, paving way for a road to knowledge and wisdom as the insignificant matter laced with consciousness attempts to unravel itself. As the candy jar of the universe is opened, various cosmic candies present themselves—either due to the gravity tugging the matter together or due to it failing to do so. As the solitary mind loses itself in the vastness of the universe, it comes across innumerable astronomical candies, more or less painted onto the canvas of reality with the most vivid colours, a product of the most impressive imagination—be it the simple planets, the classy stars, glittery galaxies, the cold and murderous black holes or the vibrant nebulas—the most adorable beauties competing for the title of the miss universe.
Any sense of purpose and distinction from the universe evaporates from the petri dish of reality when the conscious collection of matter realises its long history of existence—that it is nothing but a micro bit of itself trying to validate and make sense of itself. That profound dawning of realisation sends ripples across spacetime, stretching it as far as the individual imagination infiltrates in the darkest recesses of reality. A sliver of time caught onto momentarily exposes the intricacy of the entire clockwork of reality, be it fashioned by an intellectual creator beyond its creation or the sensitive observer, within the observation.
As the river of time flows with the water of thought cutting through all the abstraction, it fertilizes the sea at the estuary of life—a special point in time when the agglomerated matter detaches from the consciousness and is recycled back into the cosmos, thus completing one cycle of the universe attempting to understand itself in the form of specially grouped matter, coalesced with consciousness.
We all are but an undetectably small portion of the universe, in a relative quantum state of aliveness, designed to add more self-understanding. Like virtual particles, we pop in and then out of existence, in accordance with the conservation of matter and energy but helping the universe understand itself in the process. In this mysterious world plenty with uncertainties, one thing is surely certain: No matter how insignificant you are compared to the cosmos, your individual learning, understanding and contribution towards disentangling the universe has and always will result into a snowballing effect that will eventually help the universe figure itself out. Never stop learning.
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