Teleporting to a New Life

It was late at night and as lonely as it could be. I went to my kitchen balcony and glanced around the neighbourhood. All dark. In that darkness, the tall palm and coconut trees' leaves swayed in the wind, dashing against the tree trunk and each other. The mango tree's leaves were rustling too, producing a soft hiss. Other than that, there was no other sound. No crows were cawing that late, no car horns going off and I couldn't hear the dramatic background track of the late-night news— My loud neighbours were asleep too. As I scanned the streets, I spotted Jacky, a local street dog, he was sleeping peacefully tonight instead of indulging in his gang-related activity. The dim moonlight which was filtering through the thin layer of clouds sprayed a silvery hue all around, which made the whole moment seem even more magical and obscure. It was a very lonely night and though they say that Mumbai is a city which hardly sleeps, right now, no light was oozing out of any window ...