Time Travelling is Pointless

Let's say you got hold of a time machine and plan to begin an epic journey, cutting through time. That's exactly what we were debating a few days ago. A friend of mine wanted to know if time travelling was possible and if yes—if it was worth it. He was excited, the idea of going back in time to warn himself of mistakes he wanted to avoid, or going to the future and bringing in the question paper of the next test so he could study and top in his class—all such fantasies were popping inside of his head like popcorn until I capsized his boat full of fantasies. As I thought about it, Time Travel was pointless, even if it were possible someday. I didn't mean to break his hopes, but it was better than to let him fantasise over something which would practically never work. I am not going to tell you why we can't build a time machine yet. There's a boatload of information about that, just Google it. I'm, however, going to consider that we somehow do manage to...