The Uberman Series Day 8

Certain journeys that you take in life will be awfully lonely and success in those paths-less-travelled will be determined solely on how long you're willing to push for. - Tri I firmly believe that you often have to take certain decisions in life which you know will benefit you but no one understands or is willing to pledge you their support for. If you're too full of things people find hard to find any common grounds with, then most of your decisions will be of this nature. You'll have to commit to seeing through to your decisions alone, without hoping anyone will understand them and without ever even trying to justify yourself. If you know deep down you should do it, then no matter how crazy people think you are for doing it, do it. No matter how lonely and difficult it gets, do it. Only quit when it is you who knows that it is time to or you who feels that you probably should and that too for your own sake. Wanting to be polyphasic is one such decision for ...